Benefits of Finger Millet

Do you eat Finger millet? .. Let's learn more about Finger millet uses here ..

Finger millet contains excellent nutrients such as potassium and calcium. It is rich in antioxidants and amino acids.

Many eating habits are changing in lifestyle. Many people are accustomed to junk foods. Now people are more busy with their work. It is time to pay more attention to health. People are taking food to prevent weight gain. However, it also includes finger millet.

Finger millet contains excellent nutrients such as potassium and calcium. It is rich in antioxidants and amino acids. It can help fight disorders like chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer. Finger millet is now a part of the diet in South India because it has so many benefits. Finger millet is easily available to everyone at a low price. It is high in protein and calcium. It is good for bones and central nervous system.

Benefits of Finger Millet

Most of the nutrients in finger millet are also very high in minerals. It is 5-30% high in calcium. It is also high in phosphorus, potassium and iron. It not only lowers blood glucose levels, but also lowers hypoglycemic pressure. It is good to eat regularly with breakfast.

Finger millet powder

Finger millet powder is an important food form of this cereal. Finger millet powder is used to make porridge,  bread and other baking ingredients.

It is a staple food for people in some parts of India. Ragi Sankati (Andhra Pradesh), Ragi Mudda (Karnataka) Finger Millet  bread foods are the staple food in some states of South India.

According to the USDA Nutrient Database, 100 g. Finger Millet have the following values:

Finger millet

Nutrients of Finger millet Value per 100 grams is

Water - 8.57 g

Protein - 7.5 g

Fats   -1.2 g

Carbohydrate  -71.6 g

Fiber  -19.1 g

Minerals -  Value per 100 g

Calcium  -   344 mg

Iron  --  3.9 mg

Magnesium  -  137 mg

Phosphorus  -   283 mg

Potassium   -   408 mg

Sodium  -  11 mg

Zinc  -  2.3 mg

Vitamins-- Value per 100 g

Vitamin B1   -- 0.421 mg

Vitamin B2   -- 0.19 mg

Vitamin B3  -- 1.1 mg

Conclusion :

Finger millet to lose weight and Strength to the bones. It is also used to reduce diabetes, cholesterol and prevent aging.Finger millet can prevent malnutrition.Problems with age can be prevented from becoming old too quickly.

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